پارک انیمه

نسخه‌ی کامل: تست: لیوای آکرمن درباره ی شما چه فکری می کند؟
شما در حال مشاهده‌ی نسخه‌ی متنی این صفحه می‌باشید. مشاهده‌ی نسخه‌ی کامل با قالب بندی مناسب.
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به نظرتون لیوای درباره شما چه فکری میکنه؟
این تست رو جواب بدین و جوابش رو هم بزارید.
لذت ببرید.تصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/1.gif
 اینم لینکش:

این مال خودم:تصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/4.gif
He LOVES you!
Me: So Levi, what did you think of the quiz taker?
Levi: *scowls* Why in the world would I tell you?
Me: Why won’t you tell me?
Levi: Because you are not in the same anime as me!
Me: That response doesn't justify why you can’t tell me.
Levi: Fine, I’ll tell you!
Me: I’m waiting…
Levi: Can’t you be a bit more patient. Anyways, it seems I have developed some strange feelings for Y/N…almost to the point that I want to protect her from anything, even if it kills me.
Me: Like?
Levi: Especially the titans, I’ll give them a merciless end.
Me: What would you do if the quiz taker was with another man?
Levi: I would slice the man who dare takes a peek at her and if she is with someone else, I will embalm her.
Me: Quite obsessive, don’t you think?
Levi: Like you’re not….
Me: True.
Me: Thank you for taking this quiz, and please check out my other ones. 

ترجمهتصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/24.gif ترجمه بزارتصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/24.gif چی میشه این زبونو زود تر یاد بگیرمتصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/24.gif بزار دیگه
چه جوری ترجمش رو بزارم؟؟؟
این سایت ترجمه گوگله.
چه جوری ترجمش رو بزارم؟؟؟
این سایت ترجمه گوگله.
مطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه
He LOVES you!
Me: So Levi, what did you think of the quiz taker?
Levi: *scowls* Why in the world would I tell you?
Me: Why won’t you tell me?
Levi: Because you are not in the same anime as me!
Me: That response doesn't justify why you can’t tell me.
Levi: Fine, I’ll tell you!
Me: I’m waiting…
Levi: Can’t you be a bit more patient. Anyways, it seems I have developed some strange feelings for Y/N…almost to the point that I want to protect her from anything, even if it kills me.
Me: Like?
Levi: Especially the titans, I’ll give them a merciless end.
Me: What would you do if the quiz taker was with another man?
Levi: I would slice the man who dare takes a peek at her and if she is with someone else, I will embalm her.
Me: Quite obsessive, don’t you think?
Levi: Like you’re not….
Me: True.
منم *^_^*

He LOVES you!
مال من نیز این شد:~~He LOVES you!Me: So Levi, what did you think of the quiz taker?
Levi: *scowls* Why in the world would I tell you?
 Me: Why won’t you tell me?
Levi: Because you are not in the same anime as me!
 Me: That response doesn't justify why you can’t tell me.
Levi: Fine, I’ll tell you!
 Me: I’m waiting…
Levi: Can’t you be a bit more patient. Anyways, it seems I have developed some strange feelings for Y/N…almost to the point that I want to protect her from anything, even if it kills me.
 Me: Like?
Levi: Especially the titans, I’ll give them a merciless end.
 Me: What would you do if the quiz taker was with another man?
Levi: I would slice the man who dare takes a peek at her and if she is with someone else, I will embalm her.
 Me: Quite obsessive, don’t you think?
Levi: Like you’re not….
Me: True. Me: Thank you for taking this quiz, and please check out my other ones.

فک کنم کلن همین ی گزینه رو دارهمطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه
ولی دلتونو خوش نکنید...بیشتر منو دوس دارهمطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه
He LOVES you!

Comrade in Battle and Heart
مطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه
Me: Do, now that the quiz is over, can you tell me your opinions on the quiz taker?
Levi: *sigh* Must I?
Me: You must!
Levi: Fine, I find Y/N to be more tolerable compared to the other people I must deal with.
Me: I see, and what makes you say that.
Levi: Her cleaning ability is exceptional compared to a certain brat.
Me: Okay then….now let’s add some comedy to the result.
Levi: How?
Me: HANJI!!!
Levi: Oh no…
Hanji: You called? Of if it isn’t Levi, look I captured a new titan! LOOK! LOOK!
Levi: You idiot, you’re not supposed to bring that here!
Hanji: *puppy dog eyes* Please?
Levi: No…now I’m going to talk to Y/N, where she is the most normal one here…
Me: Ugh….Levi, you ruined the humorous effect!
Me: Thanks for taking this quiz and please check out my other ones. 

میشه یکی بگه ینی چی؟تصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/4.gif
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