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زمان کنونی: 2024/07/01, 02:55 PM

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گفتگو درباره ی مانگا کلاس درس ادمکشی(خطر اسپویل)

نویسنده پیام

ارسال‌ها: 7,198
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2014
اعتبار: 2628.0
ارسال: #167
RE: گفتگو درباره ی مانگا کلاس درس ادمکشی(خطر اسپویل)
خب چون مانگا داره تموم میشه من خلاصه چپتر های 164 به بعد و میزارم اینجا

چپتر 164:
نقل قول: Chapter 164 spoilers
Chaos Time

The Anti-Sensei Penetration Laser Satellite, AKA the "Heaven's Lance", is a giant laser whose energy is sourced from tortoise-based Antimatter Lifeforms, passing through a giant particle accelerator before firing.
This laser can pass through anything, causing damage to nothing but Tentacle Lifeforms. Nothing else is destroyed, not the mountain, not the building.

The commander in charge of the operation has confirmed that Korosensei managed to avoid death, but not without losing a few of his tentacles.
Nothing to worry about, Plan B is ready.

We learn about what's been building in the city for the last 5 months or so (since Ch 110): the Anti-Sensei Penetration Laser Barrier, AKA the "Earth's Shield".

Buildings located around town all fire towards the mountain, forming a laser dome that also penetrates underground. He has nowhere to run.
The Shield can be sustained for at least one week, and in that time, the Lance will charge to 100%, its blast radius wide enough to cover the whole mountain.

With his death certain, all that's left is to manage public opinion and deal with the uncertain elements out there. For this, the commander summons Houjou.


On the ground, the army has blockaded the roads to the school, nearby homes have been evacuated, and no entry within 100m.
And since there's no hiding an operation of this scale, the government has opted to disclose that they are working on killing the culprit of the moon's destruction.
(And to be fair, Korosensei did put all the blame on himself at the very start.)


Although Karasuma has ordered them to remain at home and on standby, the students gather, trying to get a grasp on what's happening.
All power and communication to the mountain have been cut off, and Mobile Ritsu cannot contact her main self in the classroom.

They were naive to think that things will end without anything happening.
And so, they all set off for the school. Whether their final mission is to save or kill Korosensei is unspecified.

The finishing laser is scheduled to fire on March 12th, one day before the Earth might be destroyed.
The deadline to assassinate Korosensei ... is in 7 days.

Let the 3-way race begin

چپتر 165
نقل قول: Chapter 165 spoilers
Sound Argument Time

Wanting to see Korosensei, Class E runs towards the school and into the blockade, trying to push past the soldiers.
Karasuma, on duty, breaks the two parties up, and explains to the students that if they had known about this plan beforehand, then Korosensei might become suspicious too (ie fear of info leak).

Also, with that broadcasted proclamation being made, they better take precautions so that people won't senselessly inquire stuff from them. He advises them to start putting a story together.
And if they, the "hostages", do go to the school, people will see this as them getting captured, and the situation will worsen.

Case in point, nearby reporters are starting to overwhelm Class E for a scoop.
So Isogai orders the class to retreat.

Once they've gotten away, Isogai and Kataoka tell the class to split up, get a grasp of the current situation, investigate the barrier's surroundings and just gather intel in general. They'll meet up again at night.


Meanwhile, Korosensei is feeling impressed after confirming that the barrier goes underground as well.
The students' defiance of their order has reached Operation Last Assassin's HQ, and Houjou has already prepared to deal with this scenario.

Night comes, and Class E share their intel. Ultimately, they think they can try to make a breathrough into the classroom.
But then, two cars came. In an instant, Houjou's team (from Ch 161) captures Class E and brings them to HQ.


Until the assassination is over, they'll now be placed under their protection. Their parents have been informed of such.

Hara pleads for Korosensei's assassination to be reconsidered, given that the risk of explosions is less than 1%.

The Commander argues whether it's 1% or 100%, the public will still demand his death.
For the masses, even just a little panic will spark a fire, and reason will have no use. If it's not 0%, the uproar will continue.

Moreover, 1% is simply too great a gamble for the Earth.


Also, Korosensei's previous life was a terrifyingly cruel hitman. Have they considered what could happen if they allow him to live?

Spare a thought for all the people he had killed. Simply put, his death is something he brought on himself.

When Terasaka demands the Commander for a sounder argument, Houjou deems the kids to have been completely brainwashed by the monster, and orders his men to take them away.

Houjou shall be standing watch around the perimeters of the barrier. People such as the kids will not be getting into the school.

چپتر 166
نقل قول: Chapter 166 spoilers by Gamria
Troubled Feelings Time

Karasuma rushes to the Operation's HQ after learning about Class E's incarceration. On the way, he meets Houjou for the first time as his team departs to the school.

At a press conference, Board Chairman Asano is bombarded with questions from reporters, all wanting some dirt on the affair.
It would be easy for Asano to shift the blame on someone else, but he decided to put in a word for Korosensei and said that he hired him because he's a plus for his students' education.

When the reporters are flabbergasted that he's saying the same thing as the kids and renounces his horribleness, he invites the reporters into another room and brainwashes them.
"Kunugigaoka is the best the Board Chairman is the best Kunugigaoka is the best Class E is the best..."


Over at Class E, they've been changed into prisoner's clothing (to safeguard against any concealed items in their casual clothes) and locked together.
On TV, they see what's happening outside, with people on TV heaping "sympathy" on them, speculation of Stockholm Syndrome, etc.

Karasuma comes in, and is allowed 5 minutes talk with the kids.
The simple version is, there's nothing he can do for them, to Class E's dismay. He reprimands the kids that they were imprisoned because they had been reckless.
  • Security (at the mountain?) is tight and no one will be negligent. They won't be able to break through it for 5 days (ie until the Lance is due to fire again)
  • Even if they do break in, Houjou's elite team will be there on the mountain. They are in fact a group of mercenaries called Wolf Pack (name subject to Furigana), experts in guerilla warfare, and well-suited to mountain defence.
  • Their leader, Craig Houjou, is a legendary mercenary who is said to be able to kill a lion with his bare hands. Karasuma estimates he's 3 times stronger than him.

Nagisa protests. He still has so much that haven't been said to Korosensei, and so many things he wants to do with him.
But Karasuma cannot do anything.

"Don't cause trouble for me. Do you understand!?"
After telling them to take 3 days or so to cool their heads, he leaves.


Realising that Karasuma was referring back to a previous conversation they had, Nagisa explains that there's a hidden meaning in his words: he has entrusted Class E with what happens next.

Reflecting on the conversation, Nagisa believes Karasuma was deliberately giving them intelligence. What they want to do is up to them.

Nagisa wants everyone to organise their thoughts.
  • What do they want to do?
  • What can they do?
  • What would Korosensei want?

Long story short, it's time for Class E to plot.
An epic plot to jail break, make it to the mountain, past Houjou and the mercenaries and to Korosensei. Most likely in 5 days time.


At the classroom, Korosensei continues to work on the Graduation Album.
He's certain that the whole world is thinking that there's nothing he can do, but as a creature with Mach 20 speed, he shall happily continue to do whatever he can.

چپتر 167
نقل قول: Chapter 167 spoilers by Gamria
Time for Trust

As Nagisa sums for the class:

Point #1: No one in Class E really wishes for Korosensei to die
Ponit #2: Even so, they're still hitmen who've created a lot of deadly but wholehearted memories over this past year. They absolutely do not want complete strangers to just trample on them.

And there's one thing both them and Korosensei want to do: they want to see each other, one last time.


Trusting Karasuma to get them out of here in 3 days time (when the laser is due to fire again), the students spend their time planning on what to do once they've escaped.

On the 3rd day, they have a visitor: Irina.
She's so worried about them~ So she decided to give several of them a kiss, boys and girls included. Kayano cries (apparently jealously so) after Nagisa received a kiss.
After she leaves and the door shuts, everyone who got kissed vomits something: Takebayashi's explosives.

When night came, they use it to blast their way out.

Irina is waiting for them outside. She had gotten in thanks to Karasuma, on the excuse that she's one of Class E's teachers.
On his part, Karasuma kept track of the comings, the goings and the habits of the guards at the break room, so that they can guarantee some kind of escape route for them.


Well then, the laser is going to fire just before midnight. She has no idea what's going to happen, but since tomorrow is going to be Graduation Day, they better enjoy this final lesson of theirs to their heart's content.

Isogai tells everyone to return home and prepare themselves, and be careful too.
Before they leave, Kataoka tells Irina to make sure to come with Karasuma too. They are their important teachers after all.


"So is this what you meant? About how "I'm fighting with everything I have"?"

At home, Nagisa encounters his mum. He pleads her to let him go to his teacher's side, alongside everyone.

...well, he did consider her feelings and actually chose (and gotten) into the school that she wanted. The way he is now, she's sure that the paths he chooses are bound to be correct.

"Take care, don't do anything reckless."
"...I'm off!!"

Although they can't convey how they feel (about this year) to most people, just having Class E's teacher and his mum look at him properly and give him their trust is enough to lighten up Nagisa's body and mind.


The students gather on a rooftop somewhere. Ritsu welcomes them back, she has been performing some recon while they were absent.
From the sky. In a drone.

Itona had planned for this to have been his final weapon against Korosensei, and Ritsu would've brought out its maximum potential. But it looks like they'll be using it on someone else.

Without further ado, Class E begins to infiltrate the mountain. Their final mission, ensuring everyone arrives at school unharmed, has begun.
Sensing something's amiss, Houjou's team readies for combat.

The deadline to assassinate Korosensei ... is only 3 hours!!

2016/02/18 04:57 PM
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RE: گفتگو درباره ی مانگا کلاس درس ادمکشی(خطر اسپویل) - Merida - 2016/02/18 04:57 PM

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