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زمان کنونی: 2024/07/01, 07:14 AM

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تست:کتاب زندگی شما

نویسنده پیام
diana king
The Gluey Witch

ارسال‌ها: 5,806
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2015
اعتبار: 2076.0
ارسال: #1
تست:کتاب زندگی شما
بفرمایید تست بدهید ببینید کدوم کتاب به درد زندگیتون میخورهتصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/4.gif:
تصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/4.gif
بگید تو کدوم کتاب رفتید.
اعتبار هم بدید اگه زحمتی نیست!
2015/08/19 01:57 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ

ارسال‌ها: 382
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2015
اعتبار: 93.0
ارسال: #2
RE: تست:کتاب زندگی شما
The Infernal Devices

Your life is very dramatic! Love and life are all to often important situations. You care, not for yourself, but for others. You don't truly hate anybody. Sure, you don't like people, but you could never wish someone dead. You try to see the good in people like Tessa Gray and you attract people quite easily. You are a musician. You love music. It comes naturally to you and you enjoy making others happy. Sometimes other's happiness comes before even your own. You are humble, and strong. You are sometimes afraid, but don't let your fear stop you from what you do. You love literature and reading. Writing is another talent you may possess. مطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه
2015/08/19 03:35 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
mikaze ai
*تنها عشق ریوما*

ارسال‌ها: 622
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2015
ارسال: #3
RE: تست:کتاب زندگی شما
 The Hunger Games
You life is like the Hunger Games. You are brave and strong, but you have many things to fear. You can be emotional at times, and cold at others. The middle is sometimes hard to find. But you have special people to balance you out. You enjoy adventure, but sometimes just love peace and quite. You love nature and sports. Music is also something you enjoy. But you don't flaunt your talents. You are modest and don't like people. You would never speak to a stranger again if you could help it. You love winning. You are determined and a hard worker. You are also innovative. You can make anything out of anything. You love your family and would do anything to protect them. You are even willing to die for them. You are not afraid of death, but you do anything in your power to stop it from happening. 
2015/08/19 03:48 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ

ارسال‌ها: 167
تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2015
اعتبار: 12.0
ارسال: #4
RE: تست:کتاب زندگی شما
برای من عطش مبارزه شد
You life is like the Hunger Games. You are brave and strong, but you have many things to fear. You can be emotional at times, and cold at others. The middle is sometimes hard to find. But you have special people to balance you out. You enjoy adventure, but sometimes just love peace and quite. You love nature and sports. Music is also something you enjoy. But you don't flaunt your talents. You are modest and don't like people. You would never speak to a stranger again if you could help it. You love winning. You are determined and a hard worker. You are also innovative. You can make anything out of anything. You love your family and would do anything to protect them. You are even willing to die for them. You are not afraid of death, but you do anything in your power to stop it from happening. 
2015/08/20 06:40 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
white knight

ارسال‌ها: 1,236
تاریخ عضویت: Dec 2014
اعتبار: 560.0
ارسال: #5
RE: تست:کتاب زندگی شما
The Infernal Devicesمطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمهYour life is very dramatic! Love and life are all to often important situations. You care, not for yourself, but for others. You don't truly hate anybody. Sure, you don't like people, but you could never wish someone dead. You try to see the good in people like Tessa Gray and you attract people quite easily. You are a musician. You love music. It comes naturally to you and you enjoy making others happy. Sometimes other's happiness comes before even your own. You are humble, and strong. You are sometimes afraid, but don't let your fear stop you from what you do. You love literature and reading. Writing is another talent you may possess.
2015/09/04 11:52 AM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
تازه وارد


ارسال‌ها: 20
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2015
اعتبار: 6.0
ارسال: #6
RE: تست:کتاب زندگی شما
Percy Jackson
مطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه
Your life is adventurous! You love adventure and welcome it. But trouble follows you around and danger lurks at every corner. Let's just say, you attract things you shouldn't. But you have a strong support system to get you through it. Your friends are always there to pick you up when you fall, and you them. You are loyal and loving. You're a dreamer. You daydream, have nightmares, and fantasize. You are prone to forgetting and fidget a lot. You can't ever sit still. You enjoy sports and being active.  You like people, and are a good speaker. You connect well with people, but can sometimes find them annoying. You are very creative. Ideas come naturally to you without you even trying too hard. You also have a great sense of humor. You can turn anything into a joke. Although it may not always be appreciated, it does lighten up stressful situations.
2015/09/04 12:32 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
+Sara Ss3+
⚡ Speed Freak ⚡

ارسال‌ها: 1,037
تاریخ عضویت: Dec 2014
اعتبار: 262.0
ارسال: #7
RE: تست:کتاب زندگی شما
 The Infernal Devices

Your life is very dramatic! Love and life are all to often important situations. You care, not for yourself, but for others. You don't truly hate anybody. Sure, you don't like people, but you could never wish someone dead. You try to see the good in people like Tessa Gray and you attract people quite easily. You are a musician. You love music. It comes naturally to you and you enjoy making others happy. Sometimes other's happiness comes before even your own. You are humble, and strong. You are sometimes afraid, but don't let your fear stop you from what you do. You love literature and reading. Writing is another talent you may possess.
2015/09/08 03:55 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ

ارسال‌ها: 211
تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2015
اعتبار: 8.0
ارسال: #8
RE: تست:کتاب زندگی شما
پرسی جکسون شدمتصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/4.gifتصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/4.gif
2015/09/08 06:06 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
کاربر معمولی


ارسال‌ها: 84
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2015
اعتبار: 6.0
ارسال: #9
RE: تست:کتاب زندگی شما
فارسی مال من اينه

شما یک زندگی بسیار پیچیده است. تو را دوست دارم خانواده خود را و شما مایل به انجام هر کاری برای دوستان شما هستند. شما عشق به زندگی، در حالی که کمی نگران کننده در آن زمان، یک coaster غلتکی از احساسات است. فراز و نشیبهای بسیاری. مانند شخصیت اصلی کلاری، شما بسیار شجاع هستند، اما آیا گوش دادن نیست. . . تا بحال. اگر کسی به شما می گوید به ماندن قرار داده، شما آنها را دنبال کرد. شما عاشق ماجراجویی، اما گاهی اوقات بدون تفکر عمل می کنند. شما یک نوازنده خوب است. شما می توانید بی پروا و دست و پا چلفتی است، اما برای جبران آن در جذابیت و شوخ طبعی است.



2015/09/30 07:28 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
کاربر معمولی


ارسال‌ها: 84
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2015
اعتبار: 6.0
ارسال: #10
RE: تست:کتاب زندگی شما
The Mortal Instruments

2015/09/30 07:29 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
ارسال پاسخ 

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