زمان کنونی: 2024/06/28, 11:47 PM درود مهمان گرامی! (ورودثبت نام)

زمان کنونی: 2024/06/28, 11:47 PM

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شما چه الهه ای هستید

نویسنده پیام
دیونه پارک انیمه

ارسال‌ها: 690
تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2015
اعتبار: 147.0
ارسال: #1
شما چه الهه ای هستید
اینم آدرس تست(نمیدنم چرا رفتم تو فاز تستتصویر: richedit/smileys/yahoo_Big/4.gif)
2015/12/04 11:17 AM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
دیونه پارک انیمه

ارسال‌ها: 690
تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2015
اعتبار: 147.0
ارسال: #2
RE: شما چه الهه ای هستید
The Goddess of Light-- Cruz
مطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه
[size=13pt]You are the Goddess of  Light-- Cruz

[size=11pt]Goddess of Light and Family
Age: 10700 (the youngest) 
[size=11pt]Family:  Seria and Ineida (other result)
[size=11pt]Enemy(s): Hirau (other results)
[size=11pt]Pet: A white dove name 
Friends: Luminia, Seria, Ineida 
(other result)
___________(i get this as my result...)___________

        ​You are the goddess of light,Cruz. Your the youngest one of all 8 goddess as well as the most childish. You are naive and never think things through doing whatever you think is right. You are also very clumsy at times,as well as loud!
[size=11pt]*~;*;~small life story~;*;~*
You smiled seeing all the smiles from down below as you saw the humans sit in front of the warm fires. "Cruz!!" you heard from behind you as twitched seeing Hirau. Her hair was on fire like her eyes, "what did you do with my flames?!" You smiled innocently  and showed her to the large ivy covered globe sitting in the middle of the white rose garden. "You didn't..." she said the flames turning bright blue you shrieked as she approached you. "You are going to pay for this she said lifting her hand ready to slap her.But she was stopped. behind her stood a woman dressed in a deep purple cloak, "well~! we can't have this happening now can we~?" she said her long purple messy hair covering her face. "you best be leaving now deary~!" with that Hirau growled and left stomping away.
Hirau:...leave me be already.....

Luminiaمطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه-shes very loud but friendly~   Kassandra: needs to grow up a bit more... or all the love and glory of the heart will sink into the ibis of terror and hate...

Uria: she needs to calm down... her thinking gets her in trouble...
Seria:hee~ she is the special one wouldn't you say~?       Ineida: she levels out my powers... she can't handle it......
2015/12/04 11:19 AM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
کاربر معمولی


ارسال‌ها: 86
تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2015
اعتبار: 6.0
ارسال: #3
RE: شما چه الهه ای هستید
The Goddess of Death-- Seria
مطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه[size=13pt]You are the Goddess of  Death--

[size=11pt]Goddess of Death, Hope, and Laughter
Age: 804660002
[size=11pt]Family: Ineida, Cruz (other result)
[size=11pt]Enemy(s): Hirau(other results)
[size=11pt]Pet: A crow name risa
Friends: just about everyone even if they are her enemy 
(other results)

You are the goddess of death, Seria. Buuuuttttttt~, to put a twist on things you are also the goddess of laughter and hope giving people the thought of not to be depressed even if they have lost a dear family member or friend. You are also very giggly and protective to you siblings and can make anyone smile. You aren't the best looking person either, but looks don't matter to you, only how your family and friends are.______(i'm sorry if you don't like the story)________
 [size=11pt]*~;*;~small life story~;*;~*

        [size=10pt]You, a lovely woman dressed in all black, your hair messy and all over the place was walking around the lovely marble paths of your younger sisters garden. You had no job today which made you a bit sad. Laughter was your favorite thing to give. With the thought of children smiling a smile slowly formed across your pale face. "You did what?!" you heared from behind you. Walking towards the small area you saw Hirau and Cruz, Hirau's  hair at flames. Not good... Then she raised her hand ready to hurt the young girl you jolted and grabbed it, "well now~! teheehee~" "What th-" she said confused. You just smiled your lovely smile and lifted her wrist, "i suggest you be leaving now dear" you hummed running a long fingernail across her throat teasingly. With that she freed her self and left. Her hair now a deep blue, "such a hot head ~" you said possing in a somewhat diva pose. Cruz just started laughing.
       Hirau:....No comments on the fool....

Luminiaمطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه-She tries to make everyone feel better when put dow- *starts to cry* (me:*sighs and pats her back*) 
  Kassandra: Hmm? I can't side at the present moment... forgive me....
Cruz:Seri-chan!! She always helps me when I try to do a task or... or... what was it again?!

Uria: Ah, yes she is a lovely girl full of emotions, is she not?        Ineida: *smirks* my dear little sister she is.... yes.... 
2015/12/04 11:28 AM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
اژدهای سفید

ارسال‌ها: 1,203
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2014
اعتبار: 183.0
ارسال: #4
RE: شما چه الهه ای هستید
The Goddess of Darkness-- Ineida
مطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه[size=13pt]You are the Goddess of  Darkness-- Ineida
[size=11pt]Goddess of Darkness,demons, and [size=14.5455px]Dimensions
[size=11pt]Age:9040583004 (the oldest)
[size=11pt]Family: Seria, Cruz (other result)
[size=11pt]Enemy(s):depends... (other results)
[size=11pt]Pet: a small black rabbit named hespet
Friends:Hirau,Luminia,Cruz,Seria [size=14.5455px](other results) 

[size=14.5455px]You are Ineida, The goddess of darkness. You are seen as a heartless person most of the time but people rally never see you for who you really are. You are beautiful and have two sides. One being your happy usual self ,the other being your repulsive and controlling side.________________________________
 [size=11pt]*~;*;~small life story~;*;~*

                You watched the sun fall from behind the tall Willow. "Its dusk now..." Luminia spoke softly sitting down near the lake now a dark shade of violet. "Alright..." you spoke removing the hood to show your face and neatly held hair in its position. "what will we do today?" she asked fear easily being heard through he words. "I will teach you how to control the flow today..." you said stepping closer to the water. "Yu must remove the blood from the water before they become one..." "B-but..." "No buts.... now do it...." your tone was weak and rough. She looked at you confused, "I-Inei-" she said before you collapsed on the ground.[size=10pt]           
Hirau:heh... she could be of good help to me....
Luminia: S-she helps me try to control my emotions~! 
  Kassandra: for who she is she is quite scary...

Cruz:I don't get why people think shes mean! She has become a nicer person with every passing century!!
Uria: I fear the worst when she approaches Luminia... Seria: Teheehee~ 
2015/12/04 11:59 AM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
دختر مهربون پارک

ارسال‌ها: 438
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2015
اعتبار: 22.0
ارسال: #5
RE: شما چه الهه ای هستید
The Goddess of Earth-- Uria
مطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه
2015/12/04 12:14 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
diana king
The Gluey Witch

ارسال‌ها: 5,806
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2015
اعتبار: 2076.0
ارسال: #6
RE: شما چه الهه ای هستید
The Goddess of Earth-- Uria
مطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه
[size=13pt]You are the Goddess of  Earth-- Uria

[size=11pt]Name: Uria
[size=11pt]Goddess of  Earth, Love, and Arts
Age: 5930000
[size=11pt]Family:  Luminia (other result)
[size=11pt]Enemy(s): non 
[size=11pt]Pet: A griffin named Brent
Friends: Kassandra, Luminia 
[size=14.5455px](other result)
2015/12/04 03:55 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ

ارسال‌ها: 5,627
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2015
اعتبار: 604.0
ارسال: #7
RE: شما چه الهه ای هستید
مطالب مخصوص انیمه، مانگا، کارتون و کمیک مخصوص پارک انیمه
2015/12/04 04:21 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
کاربر فعال پارک انیمه

ارسال‌ها: 368
تاریخ عضویت: Dec 2015
اعتبار: 9.0
ارسال: #8
RE: شما چه الهه ای هستید
The Goddess of Light-- Cruz
2015/12/06 09:11 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
فوتبالیست پارک انیمه

ارسال‌ها: 581
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2015
اعتبار: 27.0
ارسال: #9
RE: شما چه الهه ای هستید
The Goddess of Water-- Luminia
2015/12/06 09:38 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
Emma Hunter

ارسال‌ها: 8,969
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2016
اعتبار: 1681.0
ارسال: #10
RE: شما چه الهه ای هستید
 The goddess of flames
2016/04/24 12:52 PM
یافتن تمامی ارسال‌های این کاربر نقل قول این ارسال در یک پاسخ
ارسال پاسخ 

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